Neil Young + Promise Of The Real
1. A New Day For Love
2. Wolf Moon
3. People Want To Hear About Love
4. Big Box
5. A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop
6. Workin' Man
7. Rules Of Change
8. Monsanto Years
9. If I Don't Know
Per i testi qui riportati:
©Storytone Publishing (ASCAP)
1. A New Day For Love
2. Wolf Moon
3. People Want To Hear About Love
4. Big Box
5. A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop
6. Workin' Man
7. Rules Of Change
8. Monsanto Years
9. If I Don't Know
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Per i testi qui riportati:
©Storytone Publishing (ASCAP)
[fonte: The Monsanto Years, Reprise Records]