Children Of Destiny / I figli del destino
Stand up for what you believe
Resist the 'Powers That Be'
Preserve the land and save the seas
For the children of destiny
The children of you and me
Should goodness ever lose and evil steal the day
Should happy sing the blues and peaceful fade away
What would you do?
What would you say?
How would you act on that new day?
Stand up for what you believe
Resist the 'powers that be'
Preserve the ways of democracy
So the children can be free
The children of destiny
When money matters most and war is good for gain
The capital is yours, the people feel the pain
They feel the pain, they walk the streets
While the bombs fall in the rain
The children hide somewhere inside
While the bombs fall in the rain
Stand up for what you believe
Resist the 'Powers That Be'
Preserve the land and save the seas
For the children of destiny
The children of destiny
* * * *
Resist the 'Powers That Be'
Preserve the land and save the seas
For the children of destiny
The children of you and me
Should goodness ever lose and evil steal the day
Should happy sing the blues and peaceful fade away
What would you do?
What would you say?
How would you act on that new day?
Stand up for what you believe
Resist the 'powers that be'
Preserve the ways of democracy
So the children can be free
The children of destiny
When money matters most and war is good for gain
The capital is yours, the people feel the pain
They feel the pain, they walk the streets
While the bombs fall in the rain
The children hide somewhere inside
While the bombs fall in the rain
Stand up for what you believe
Resist the 'Powers That Be'
Preserve the land and save the seas
For the children of destiny
The children of destiny
* * * *
Difendi quello in cui credi
Resisti ai Poteri Costituiti
Preserva la terra e salva i mari
Per i figli del destino
I figli tuoi e miei
Se il bene dovesse perdere e il male impadronirsi del giorno?
Dovremmo cantare il blues felicemente e scomparire in pace?
Cosa faresti?
Cosa diresti?
Come reagiresti quel giorno?
Difendi quello in cui credi
Resisti ai Poteri Costituiti
Preserva le vie della democrazia
Perché i figli siano liberi
I figli del destino
Quando il denaro conta più di tutto e si lucra sulla guerra
Il capitale è tuo, la gente prova dolore
Provano dolore, camminano in strada
Mentre cadono bombe nella pioggia
I figli si nascondono dentro da qualche parte
Mentre cadono bombe nella pioggia
Difendi quello in cui credi
Resisti ai Poteri Costituiti
Preserva la terra e salva i mari
Per i figli del destino
I figli del destino